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I like to imagine that the sales pitch in the 80s toy commercial went something like this: "Hey kids, tired of all those old, boring party games? Does pin the tail on the donkey make you wonky? Is bobbing for apples appalling? Are lawn darts giving you long farts? That last one didn't make sense, and it doesn't need to, thanks to anal ring toss! Just jam the plastic rod up someone else's ass and throw rings at it. After a while, your eyes glaze over at all the non-stop sex.And finally we come to the entry that we felt we couldn't show you in any non-illustrated format, both because the images of it are too horrible and I figured everyone would rather see my party-robot doing this to Gladstone. It’s not unusual to walk around couples and trios engaged in the act, wherever you go: on a sofa in a club, on a beach, in a prison cell, up against a wall or a stripper pole, etc. Related: Soviet 'Lord Of The Rings' Is A Psychedelic Brain Melt Interested in Mating Rituals?One Cracked Fact's got you covered! From human scandals to weird animal stuff and so much more, One Cracked Fact delivers a new (not always sexy) story from our crazy world directly to your inbox every day. We even have a full gay porn section with nothing else but the best gay sex on.

Cat Fakes Limp for Sympathy Before Hilariously Switching Paws Limited only by bandwidth, should a club choose to incorporate a live telepresence 360° camera feed into its list of attractions (perhaps even one built into the strip pole), they could allow at-home visitors to log on during showtimes for a nominal fee and expand their list of potential customers substantially. The big problem really lies in trying to convince people that VR really is the next big thing, but I don’t think it will be too long now before that becomes apparent on a large-scale, as it is picking up momentum faster than I think anybody could have projected which I think you will all agree is fucking awesome. All from the comfort of home.So if you happen to be a stripper, a strip-club owner, or have some form of an influential relationship with somebody who has some form of influential relationship with a stripper or a strip club owner, be sure to talk to them about how VR is set to reshape the porn industry, and how they can jump on the train and be one of the first establishments to go down in time for providing live Virtual Reality streams of their shows to horny patrons the world over.

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